Filippo Chiarello

Filippo Chiarello

Assistant Professor of Strategic and Competitive Intelligence

University of Pisa

I am an assistant professor of Strategic and Competitive Intelligence at the University of Pisa. My research interests include Natural Language Processing, Innovation Management and Human Resources Management. I’m proudly part of Business Engineering 4 Data Science (B4DS) Research Team.

I also love teaching, and this page is intended to be a part of the learning process of myself and of my students, despite their background (engineering, computer science, economy) and level (MSc or PhD students).

In this page you can find:

  • Posts: short articles and R/Python noteboks about my topics of interest
  • Projects: the research projects I’m working on with my team
  • Pubblications: a summary and links to all my scientific pubblications
  • Courses: additional contents and all the links from my courses
